After several years of being on the high dosage of Ambien it
stopped working for me. My doctor refuses to put me on anything else as the
three other ones we tried did nothing for me. As a result, he decided we should
add Elavil to the mix. This was also ineffective. We then increased the dosage
of Elavil each visit until we found a combination that worked to help me sleep.
Added to my 10 mg of Ambien is 150 mg of Elavil. This combo works most of the
time yet I still have nights that I don’t sleep and I have to take it on a
pretty empty stomach or it doesn’t work at all. Unfortunately with my family’s
schedule I am not always eating dinner before 6 pm.
One major drawback of taking Elavil that I have never had
happen before is a lack of sex drive. It got up and walked away. So my options
are do I choose sex or do I choose sleep? Because I can’t have both. It’s very
odd. I have been on Elavil before but at the lower dosage and it didn’t change
anything. Sadly between the MS and the broken foot and the 2 kids most nights I
am more inclined to want sleep. Plus there is the added issue; if I don’t fall
asleep before my fiancĂ©, I am up all night listening to him snore. And let’s
face it, men become comatose after sex. So when I say I have to choose between
sex or sleep I mean if I choose sex I get zero sleep that night.
Plus I had surgery 2 weeks ago and I now have 2 external
fixation devices on my foot. These are to apply pressure to the outside to hold
the bones while they heal around the inside hardware. It was not an easy
surgery and it hurt like hell. So my foot is wrapped in these bandages and I am
to elevate it and try not to move it too much. We were supposed to do this
surgery last month, but thanks to one idiot dr we ended up cancelling last
minute (because it was the pain management dr, so he was refusing to get my
refill straight with insurance co).
The stress of fighting with doctors and being tested for
EVERYTHING within a 2 week span lead to yet another MS flair. This meant
waiting a month after cancelling surgery to reschedule it. After surgery of
course was another flair. My body doesn’t like being cut open and drilling into
my bones; Go figure!
So I am immobile, in pain, broken, in another MS flair, and
my own body is kicking my ass. Sex? Not exactly high up on my priorities right
now. This really is out of character for me. It took me 3 days of thinking
about HOW we could have sex while keeping my foot out of it… and not jolting it
in the process. Logistically, it’s damn near impossible. Alas, I did finally
come up with a yoga like position that worked. It was like hitting the lottery.
Except… thanks to my stupid MS I am numb down there… but
only on one side. So it was weird. It’s just frustrating. It’s also frustrating
for the man because we went from a minimum of 3 times a week to once every few
weeks. Hoping after I am done healing from surgery things will return to
normal. Also going to have to try decreasing the dose of Elavil and hoping it
works, though it didn’t in the past. Wish me luck!
I am beginning to understand how men feel when they have to take Viagra.
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